Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mexico day 10

ok  quick and short update :)
I got my laundry back just after 1pm so it was a very late leave today, no time to waste I need it to get away from that area and ride at least 100 miles, which I did. Not much happened along the way and it was a very easy ride.
Go to Zihuatenejo where I'm staying for the night and tomorrow I will try to catch up on some millage so I can get away from rt200 and start thinking about crossing some borders :)
Yesterday was pretty much like that all day  
after the rains
the bike is getting some look over :)

Hey that weird guy (me) has something on his helmet
So which way do I go?
back that way
and left
got it
bike is parked for the night
Just some views

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